However there is a word of caution! There is a tourist tram No 22 which will take you all around the old city and to most of the sites. It is a fabulous service and extremely useful for the tourist. Alas all of the pickpockets KNOW that most tourists take the tram and on busy days they are out in force. Like flies they are annoying and like flies you would like to swat them. Alas unless you are very alert they can become MORE than just annoying they can become dowright trip spoilers.
So beware pickpockets in this town and keep your valuables in your hotel room or stash them in different places close to your body and under your clothing. Whatever you do it should not include having a wallet bulging with notes and with credit card hanging out of your rear trouser pocket.
BTW you CAN get your AMEX replaced easily at the American Express Office, however getting your Visa, Mastercard or Diners Club cards replaced is not as easy. The police station had only one interpreter who spoke English when we were there and I have to tell you that he is a VERY busy man!
Take care and you will have fun in this town.

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