Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Man crosses country on kite-powered skateboard

ABC News reports that: "A German man has become the first person to traverse Australia from south to north using a kite-powered skateboard.

Dirk Gion left South Australia 17 days ago and arrived in Darwin this afternoon.

Mr Gion says the 3,000-kilometre trip was aimed at proving the kite-powered skateboard could be used to travel long distances."

Pete's Points

Gives a whole new meaning to being told to: "Go fly a kite!"

Seriously though, I can see backpackers taking up this challenge in countries all around the world. What you can save on transport costs can be spent on buying a PDA equipped with GPS, Camera and satellite phone so that you can always tell where you are, not be lonely and also be in a position to uplink your story of the day to your favourite BLOG.

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